Blue Horizons Concentrated Phos Away 1ltr
Blue Horizons Concentrated Phos Away is a powerful liquid based product which removes phosphates (food for algae) from your swimming pool water. This in turn means that algae growth will be greatly reduced and less cleaning and vacuuming will be required to maintain crystal clear algae free water.
- If pool water contains algae follow normal procedures to cure.
- Check pH level and if necessary adjust to the desired range 7.2 – 7.6.
- Backwash the filter if necessary.
- With the filter running, shake the bottle well and add the required dose slowly via a clean and empty skimmer.
- Run filtration continuously for a minimum of 24 hours after product application then backwash the filter thoroughly to remove trapped phosphates.
Note: When phosphate levels are 100ppb or less begin preventative weekly dose of Blue Horizons Concentrated Phos Away.
Blue Horizons Concentrated Phos Away comes in a 1 litre bottle.
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