Blue Horizons Summerclear 2ltr
- A long-life copper-free algaecide
- Prevents algae growth for up to 3 months
- Compatible with a wide range of sanitisers
1. Ensure pool water is clear and free from algae and debris before applying Summerclear to enhance the longevity of the product.
2. Maintain pH level within the ideal range of 7.2 – 7.6. If not in this range, adjust.
3. Shock dose the pool using Granular Shock to achieve a chlorine level between 5 – 10mg/l (ppm).
4. Add Summerclear directly to the pool whilst the pump(s) are turned “on”, preferably near to the water inlets to aid distribution.
Dosage Rates 2ltr will treat up to 12,500 gallons for approximately 3 months
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